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Help solve mystery of nine
10:08am Thursday 8th December 2005
REGULAR Nostalgia reader Mike Neighbour, from Littlehampton in West Sussex, wrote to say: "This should get the historians rummaging around in their archives. In the Fleetville area there are several references to the number nine. The number occasionally refers to the name of a field, but only in one of those cases is the name the same as its size in acres as recorded in the tithe records of the 1830s.

Last instalment of charming memoir
10:08am Thursday 8th December 2005
THIS week sees the final part of S G Dollimore's memoirs of his Wheathampstead childhood, A Boyhood Remembered.

Recycling firm revisits history
10:13am Thursday 13th October 2005
WE begin this week with a series of requests for information from Joanne Pearce of the firm Pearce Recycling.

Primary friends celebrate a birthday Primary friends celebrate a birthday
4:33pm Thu 14 Jul 05
"This photograph dates from about 1960 and shows a gang of Primary School girls at a birthday party", writes regular correspondent Lindsay Seagrim-Trinder. "We were all pupls at the Abbey Primary School. The birthday girl was Judith Heap, pictured on the extreme right of the front row. The venue was the Ridgmont Restaurant at the Victoria Street end of Ridgemont Road, adjacent to the City Station. The restaurant was owned by Judith's uncle, Len. Judith's mother kept Spencer Cafe in Upper Dagnall Street during the 50s and 60s."

Do you remember sweep?
11:07am Thursday 12th May 2005
ROY NETHERTON asks if anyone can recall Mr Slaughter the sweep in Adelaide Street, . Apparently this was somebody called Dennis's father. Can anyone else fill in the blanks?

Did you see Santa?
11:06am Thursday 12th May 2005
EX-PAT Roy Netherton, now living in Canada, wonders if anyone can recall the arrival of Santa Claus at Fisk's which apparently would bring out families by the hundreds. Apparently Fisk's was opposite The Red Lion.

Ex-pupils sought for reunion
11:04am Thursday 12th May 2005
A REQUEST from Wood End Primary School, founded in September 1965, which is holding its 40th birthday celebrations later on this year.

Questions from an expat
10:35am Thursday 5th May 2005
Now for the first of several question from ex-pat Roy Netherton, now living in Canada.

Hunt for history of Clarence Park
9:55am Thursday 17th March 2005
A QUERY from Clarence Road resident Francis Martin who is researching the history of Clarence Park.

Looking for first love
3:48pm Friday 18th February 2005
A quick query now which comes all the way from Queensland Australia. Expat Laurie Hill got in touch with a request for help tracing first love Ann Dennis. He writes: "Several years prior to leaving the UK 28 years ago I had split with Ann, the love of my life. As with all first loves you never forget them and I'd love to know where Ann is and how she is doing." Laurie believes Ann worked in a bank.

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