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Mark Edwards

Chorus hits spiritual high
THE American poet Robert Frost said: "Freedom lies in being bold". The programme of Herts Chorus' latest prestigious booking at London's Barbican Hall was suffused with such a sentiment and the performances coursed with a similar release.

The Da Vinci Code (12A)
WITH all the hype preceding it, the film version of The Da Vinci Code is a disappointment on a level with locating the resting place of the Holy Grail and finding a plastic beaker of Ribena in its place.

Last stand falls flat on its face
X Men: The Last Stand (12A) Director Bryan Singer, who helmed the first two X Men films, jumped ship during pre-production on the third to sort out the troubled new Superman film. While he was concerned with the Man of Steel, Brett Ratner took charge of the men and women of steel, fur, ice and fire that make up the mutant X Men.

Film not to be sniffed at
THE long road to success as a filmmaker usually begins with a short feature. director Andy Pearson's Park, which was shot enrtirely in Clarence Park, is less than three minutes long but has had a lasting effect on those who have seen it.

The Da Vinci Code (12A)
WITH all the hype preceding it, the actual film version of The Da Vinci Code is a disappointment on a level with finding a plastic beaker of Ribena in the resting place of the Holy Grail.

The Da Vinci Code (12A)
WITH all the hype preceding it, the actual film version of The Da Vinci Code is a disappointment on a level with finding a plastic beaker of Ribena in the resting place of the Holy Grail.

Prime (cert 12A)
THE central, supposedly shocking, conceit of Prime is a 30-something woman dating a 23-year-old man. When the woman in question is the ever-youthful Uma Thurman the age gap barely registers.

Bridging the generation gap
Prime (12A) The central, supposedly shocking, conceit of Prime is a thirty-something woman dating a 23-year-old man. When that woman is the ever-youthful Uma Thurman, that age gap barely registers. Indeed most of this romantic comedy's pretensions of depth are so glossily portrayed as to pass you by.

The sounds of Hollywood
THE golden age of the Hollywood musical is recreated by The Piccadilly Dance Orchestra at the Radlett Centre.

Author weaves life-long dream
AFTER ten years writing crime thrillers and just as long collecting rejection letters from publishing houses, Brian Grant has his name adorning the flyleaf of a novel already available in bookstores all over the US and from this week in the UK.

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